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Useful Youtubers that I watch!


Mr Bruff is an English teacher making videos on GCSE and A-Level English Language and Literature. He also has his own revision guides and podcasts. I found his videos very useful when I was revising for my English Literature GCSE!

Eve Bennett

Eve Bennett is an 18 year old student from the West Midlands who is currently attending University. She uploads a variety of videos including GCSE and A-Level advice videos. I found her videos very useful when I was first trying to find a way to revise that suited me.

Primrose Kitten

Primrose Kitten is a teacher that uploads youtube videos based around GCSE Science and Maths. For Science she shows you how to do practicals as well as answering exam questions! Her summary videos for each Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) were very useful to watch before my GCSE's.


CrashCourse is an amazing youtube channel that regularly uploads videos on all types of subjects. Their videos are slightly longer than most and go into depth about the subject they are teaching. I used to watch their videos when doing my Science GCSE revision but their videos are probably more useful for A-Level as they are more complex!

Hegarty Maths

Hegarty Maths contains lots of youtube videos showing you how to solve different maths problems and teaching you the set methods. They also go through past papers which really helped me to understand how to answer the questions and understand where the marks were applied. Their videos are for KS3, GCSE and A-Level students.


MrMcMillanREvis uploads youtube videos based on RE for GCSE and A-level students. I found his videos very useful as they are brightly coloured, well constructed and short!

UnJaded Jade

Jade is 18 and uploads lots of different youtube videos mainly focusing on school. I found her videos useful when I was learning to time manage for my GCSE's and also found it interesting to see how other people revise.


Freesciencelessons covers videos on every single Science topic at GCSE. His videos are short and easy to understand. I watched them to summarise my understanding of a certain topic and found them very useful!

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